Research and Innovations

<p style="text-align: justify;">Research is an integral part of the activities of Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. The Institute conducts researches within its academic programmes under all the departments and the academic centres. Its faculty members also conduct research projects sponsored by various government agencies and companies. The aims of theses sponsored researches are varied starting from the advancement of theoretical knowledge to development of new technology to solve practical problems.<br /> <br /> The sponsored researches conducted till now has covered areas such as theoretical and applied aspects of core science (physics, chemistry and mathematics), social sciences, information and communication technology, electronics, artificial intelligence, material science, nanotechnology, biotechnology, alternative energy, environment, water resources, structural and earthquake engineering, geotechnical engineering, chemical engineering, heat transfer, machine design, manufacturing, product design, etc.<br /> <br /> Sponsored research in the Institute has contributed in terms of development in knowledge and technology. It has also helped to bring the academia closer to the industry. In addition, it has added to the infrastructure of the Institute through acquisition of modern equipment for the research projects. The research projects have also acted as the training ground for the young post-graduates just out of the universities. The Research and Development Office is the wing of the Institute which facilitates, channelizes, records, and regulates as per the Institute rules all the sponsored research projects and consultancy works in the Institute. The Research and Development Section is administered by the Dean of Research &amp; Development.</p>