Faculty Awards

Prof. P K Giri ​of Dept. of Physics #IITGuwahati is awarded Fellowship of IOP, UK.

Posted: May 18, 2021 Prof. P K Giri ​of Dept. of Physics #IITGuwahati is awarded Fellowship of IOP, UK.

<p>Congratulations !! Prof. P K Giri ​of Dept. of Physics&nbsp;<a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/iitguwahati?__eep__=6&amp;__cft__[0]=AZUdLqO0c0Jwj0ZyWItvaAP9FVhPCBY7a3z2N8B8D5w2ciq-0amGcKOZWr2-mq-GaswbECM8IA-vJkSYVIrs8bl7B5cK4zdwcKlLQtFq_hdtb1aMHVYlRvSyWVaTtKV7wJMpQ74CnZEylRedgm1iYDHH&amp;__tn__=*NK*F" role="link" tabindex="0">#IITGuwahati</a>&nbsp;is awarded Fellowship of IOP, UK, which provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded people, attend engaging events, give back through mentoring and outreach initiatives, and enhance professional development</p>
